Rubens Tuinen

Get in touch

We help you to enjoy your garden more!


For a design including choice of materials, a planting plan and lighting plan I can higly recommend to contact Petra Pereira. For garden inspiration and the choice of materials you can have a look in our portfolio & take a look at Tegelhandel Boer or Snoei Bleiswijk. The materials can be ordered through us, and of course, after supply these materials we can process them for you. Contact us using the form below!

Because of durability, we do our best to limit physical appointments as much as possible. If you can send photo’s via, this ensures that we can handle an application more easily.

Request your service

Type of client*

Type of service (multiple options possible)*

What is the area of the garden?*

When is the quotation desired?*

Is there a deadline for completion the project?*

How did you find us?*

Why choose Rubens Gardens?*


Do you have an attachment like the design and/or photo of the garden? Please send them with the form below.

Note: U can only send this form by first making a request in the form above. 

    Rubens Tuinen

    010 - 466 79 54

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